The month of june..the beginning of an end..28 years old and a half year..sedar tak tak sedar almost 7 month da @ MPSJ..planning to move on but where?? basically bersyukur dengan apa yang ada, tomorrow off to genting ade workshop? so to whom that i care..harap besabarlah yer ader rezki tak kemane InsyaAllah..actually kekurangan idea ini malam..till we meet again...bye2
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, December 24, 2009
One Wedding and No Funeral
At the office, doing nothing really..everybody tgh sibuk preparing food for nikah ceremony opot which held on 26 Dec 2009..scary..
Mujur sok blehlah start doing work tomorrow..and relatives maybe start to come by tomorrow onward..tak tahulah ramai ker idak org datang kenduri..coz ramai buat kenduri this month..hmm lets hope everthing move according to plan dah ler....
okey till then pic upload later k..bye2
Friday, November 27, 2009
Salam Aidiladha...10 Zulhijjah 1430 Hijrah
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha...
Almost a month im working at MPSJ Legal boss is in maternity leave..a lot of things must be monitored, which i dont know how...scarry but surely it must been done...ok jugak working atmophere so far, akan datang we dont know yet. perpun aku berdoa sume berjalan dalam keadaan yang baik..well see you later..bye2
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Not Married With No Children...
This month is not very my my kind of month..people is getting married all over the place..with there's married there's also drama yang tak perlu pun ade sebenarnye.. speaking of married not that im not planning to get married (yes i know the clock is thicking, whatever that's mean) tapi the main reason takde keje tetap lagi, n i have to think what the other side of family might think..sigh...
What i really want from everybody is to pray yang den will get proper job, secure money n will not make both side of family unhappy..sume pun kawin bile dah ader keje tetap kan..yang tak keje pun doesnt have parents that very ill and future groom who have a very deep thought of his parents wellfare not mantion the pride will involve, so no presure everybody coz really im not..
Finally to Dani and Ehsan congrat..and for yun..perluke??ok have nice day and happy get married for those who want it.. and to opot just move foward and dont mind me right..hehe
Saturday, August 1, 2009
rebuilding my so called life
Sudah agak lamer juge tak write anything in this outstanding blog..huhu today is saturday and ive been working as PKS @ KDN for about 2 weeks now..exactly after my graduatiaon day..its really blessing really ive got that job..atleast bolehler mengumpul uwang..untuk ongkos idup gue..surely thanks to you yun...not...
Actually thanks to all my family for love and blessing...hurrah...
Friday, July 3, 2009
What's Ahead

Masih unemployed...not that i keen, tapi da takdo duit..huhu. Dalam dilema, what should i become??? jadi batman or spiderman?? huhu takdola..gurau yo..this 18 July is my so called convocation day, takde bersemangat sangat pun nak pegi, mengenangkan what have happen along my studied week..tak impress langsung...aperpun hope everything when well...everybody is happy is just about enough...
Bulan Ramadhan pun dah memang solat full tarawikh kat umah..excited plak rase..ops mention pasal bulan pose dah ganti ke belum..? this monday lah nak ganti insyaallah lagi sehari lagi rasenye..ok till next time..babai..
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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