Wednesday, October 22, 2008

12 Ways to Unclutter Your Life

By Andrew Mellen

He's got organizational superpowers! He can bring order to your kitchen and demystify the reasons you're hanging on to things you don't need (and don't even like) in your closets, drawers, basement. He's here to help get your house, and your sanity, back. He's Andrew Mellen, a.k.a. VirgoMan.

Think of this scenario: If your house were burning and your family, pets, and purse were already out of harm's way, what else would you want to save? Probably not the blender that only works on one speed, the china you inherited but never use, or the photo in which you're not exactly looking your best.

Which begs the question: If those things aren't worth taking, why are they in your home in the first place?There's no reason to be surrounded by things that don't work, that you don't need, or that you don't even like. As a professional organizer, I help my clients figure out what they should keep and what they should kiss goodbye; then we figure out how to make what they have work for them. You can do it yourself by following the steps I've outlined:

The Ground Rules

1. Everything you own should have value, either because it's functional or beautiful or you just love it. Remember the question of what you'd grab if your house were on fire; that's your baseline for determining an object's worth.

2. Every item needs a place where it "lives." Setting things down on the coffee table or kitchen counter creates piles and confusion. My clients mock me when I say, "Where do your keys live? They live in a bowl or on a hook by the front door"—but you never lose anything when you put it where it lives.

3. Focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking is supposed to help you get more things done quickly, but when you try to do 19 things at once, everything ends up incomplete. You're trying to simplify your life, so simplify your approach to getting organized.

Now let's get started.
The Crammed KitchenYour kitchen is a food preparation area, not a storage space. The idea here is to weed out what you're not using, then put similar items together and in the best places.

Machines that are broken or aren't used are just taking up space. If your Crock-Pot has a missing lid that you say you're going to replace someday, or you're keeping the bread maker just because it was a gift, get rid of it.

Food containers: All your plastic storage items should have corresponding lids. If you don't have one or the other, it's a recycling item.

Pots and pans: If there isn't a lot of space in your kitchen, use a pot rack. If you have the space, hang them along the wall for fast access.

Knives: If you're short on counter space, consider the type of knife block that fits in a drawer.

Plastic bags: Everybody has a plastic bag full of other plastic bags. Use the ones you have for trash can liners, or take them back to the supermarket for recycling. Keep canvas shopping totes in the car so you don't accumulate more plastic bags. Mesh shopping bags roll up small enough to be kept in your handbag for unexpected trips to the market.

Cookbooks: Unless you're a collector or you have a lot of room, edit them. How often do you use the cookbook? If you've had it for years but it's never gotten a single stain or burn from use, donate it.


Hope this day is a brand new day...hope Allah bless us all..keep moving forward and never look back..

Dont Be Such A Woose


Memangla merosot sem ni obviously...subject sume yang menjengkelkan..memang da agak tak bleh nak pegi long sume pass tak kene repeat bersyukurla bebanyak..quiet challenging b***h..ingat nak drop jer kan..considering my age not getting younger so suck it up jer la..
Maner nak cekau duitnye..anybody being so generous ke? me and I as so called r.a ni kan, ha!! copekla bertindak..

Anyway thanks for everything though..yerla berulang-alik..and mama asyik nk pegi open house jer..ok yun and luggage fever, aka miss know everything..good luck with you and u diamond..huhu

Monday, October 20, 2008

Revenge of the fifth again.

Nothing much really..just perabih mase sementare nak amik result this wednesday...napo register ari rabu? confuse baik buat pas deepavali terus..aper masalah nyer ntah..anyway nervous gak nak amik this wed..tapi nak tak kene amik gak plak nak amik kan?..tesis masih half2 ontah bile nak continued..still in the mood of rayer..jap g nak masak spagetti bosan..using what i have in mamas kitchen, genius or what..huhu.

Konie pegi JB this tuesday sampai Ahad..ader present paper? good luck with that and yun p Sarawak this wednesday Setia Berbakti? tgkla camno..what will happen..Aku and mamas together again..ok for now maybe continued next week plak kot..idont know really..ingat nak beli jer laptob baru using my loan...ontah tgk dulu camno..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another weekdays...


We meet again....U know Who a.k.a UKW brother ajak braye di rumahnye...cadangannya this friday..we will see..Anyway tadi p tarik due tandan and mama..biaselah selalu mmg camtu..and this morni pergi LHDN sort the borang yang den lupe nak amik the other day..alih2 da almost half year dari borang tu d proses...da lame nak p amik actually tapi den telupo..sori..2 pun lame gak la makcik2 tu carik borang..luckily ado..

Aper pun check result da takde plak da..maybe memang die suh tengok kat KUIS gak kot..bosan..aper salahnye check online kat luar je..ngade2 betul... Meraikan island mak den..sajela untuk tatapan peminat..huhu

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gamba surau yang mungkin akan terbina..I dont know when.. so keep your fingers cross and dont stop being generous..sila2 hulurkan bantuan, hanya Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas jasa kalian...

Friday, October 10, 2008

My All time favorite comic

Terlampau hip...ingat lagi zaman mude remaje..aku and opot kumpul duit beli this comic book bersemangat...Slam Dunk and Dragon Ball

Still Hari Raya...But


Untuk kesekian kalinyer menulis dalam blog nih...Cuti dah nak makin habis..argh stressnyer nak amik result..telampau merosot sem ni..adakah kemalasan semakin meningkat or what? lagi nak abih lagi mengulau..i really don't know.. Kat umah not doing much really..just usuall routine masak untuk org yang keep fasting..anyway mama and babas da abih pose 6, me..insyaallah bukak sem ni kot still dalam syawal is in it?...

Today iv got news from Dila..stess konflik umah tangge..wish her all the best anyhow da normal da both of them..My supervisor suggest me to doing a research in Kuala Selangor? eee lagi satu problem, nak kene pikir everything..ntah mane hado..ader cadangan anyone?...

Esok weekend nak mengantor keys kat that old man pulak..bosan..U know Who is still continuing with his project so tak boleh kaco..takper.cume risau result takut tak bleh amek..camne eh?