Monday, October 20, 2008

Revenge of the fifth again.

Nothing much really..just perabih mase sementare nak amik result this wednesday...napo register ari rabu? confuse baik buat pas deepavali terus..aper masalah nyer ntah..anyway nervous gak nak amik this wed..tapi nak tak kene amik gak plak nak amik kan?..tesis masih half2 ontah bile nak continued..still in the mood of rayer..jap g nak masak spagetti bosan..using what i have in mamas kitchen, genius or what..huhu.

Konie pegi JB this tuesday sampai Ahad..ader present paper? good luck with that and yun p Sarawak this wednesday Setia Berbakti? tgkla camno..what will happen..Aku and mamas together again..ok for now maybe continued next week plak kot..idont know really..ingat nak beli jer laptob baru using my loan...ontah tgk dulu camno..


AS I AM... said...

yes, yes, pegi je lah amik result kau yag dah tentu merosot tu kan...i don't know why...i mean, considering u have like everything for this wednesday onwards ko kena berulang la tau...sbb nanti mama tinggal sorang plak...sampai jumaat jer...class pun bukan start lagi, i mean...seriously...

Anchaq said...

Oitt! Asal tak kabo ade something's got to give. Aku mmg tau cam ko ade blog tadi tak masuk lam kepala otak aku yang mengancam ni. Anywho. Tolong ajer lah the mamas tu. kalau nak g practical kat KS kan kak JZ ader? Pastu any help with thesis, just holler. Kalau nak g beli laptop pun aku ingat, wajar dah kot!