Global Warming..tahap maksima..very unfortunate for those yang takde aircond kat rumah, saba la yer banyak2. A lots of things happen this and last month..ader yang best ader plak yang tidak..the good news is only a weeks I will completing my attachment..lega la rasa..cume a bit worry with my final exam result, takut sangkut jelah..letih!!!

Preparation nak keje is in progress this evening my oldest sis tolong submit kan borang. Do I owe her..hmm let me think..ader la kot..anyway thank you so much..dapat or not thats another stories..
About my practical..banyak gak intresting so called 'drama' jadi kat court, ader yang Paranoid Schizophernia or else, ade yang gile talak, ade yang confuse and paling lawak ader yang kene halau dari court..huhu pitty her.. And pic at above tu kat Mahkamah Syariah KL, mesti scary kalau datang in the middle of the night, old building kalau nak compare dengan Court kat Putrajaya 8x gande ditinggalkan..
Congrat to Dawami Irfan moga-moga long live and healthy baby boys..
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